Submit Your Own Setup

Showcase your desk setup to the world, and contribute to the community's gallery of curated workspaces!

Workspace Details

Below are all of the details required to submit a workstation to the platform. Be sure to fill out all of the details and make the the content as creative as possible. Note: we may alter text during the approval process, updating grammar issues or adding more content if we see fit.

Select a category...

Add Products Featured in Setup

Add all of the products that are visible in the main setup image. Don't be shy, the more the better!

Adding a New Product

Before you add a new product, check the dropdown below to check if your product already exists in our database. If you can't find the product you're looking for, create a new product entry by clicking the button below.

Select a product...
Products Added (1)
  • Empty Product

Setup Description & Content

Add some information about your setup. Write about the products you used and why you decided to purchase them, elaborate on the theme you're going for, what you use your setup, and anything else you can think of. Be as creative as you'd like!

Finalize Setup Submission

Once you're done adding all of the information about your setup, click the button below to finalize your submission. The submitted setup will be reviewed within 24 hours. Thanks for contributing to Desk Setups!